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5 Key elements for class taking skills:

Susie Garcia

As movers and creatives we are always finding ways to get our skills better to either stand out or to be a mark in the industry.

I often get asked the question of : What can I do to be a better dancer?

Although there isn't 1 straight shooter answer to this, there are some ideas to open your mind and be fully aware of the structure to the road of becoming a better dancer.

5 skills to walk away feeling fulfilled and knowledgable when taking class: (The path to becoming a better dancer)

1. Be spontaneous - When you book your next class, take 2 min to book your intention for the class. Write it down right then and there. Don't wait for 1 min before class starts or worse, thinking of what your intention is as your warming up. It's too late! Giving yourself proper time to engage in your own thoughts on what it is you want out of this class. What is your ultimate intention? Why did you book this class? I recommend to do this for at least 2 classes out of 5.

2. Stay in the zone with focused laser target - if you're just beginning to dance or getting back in, I suggest to keep your focus and laser target on the instructor. Don't skim your eye too much on what's happening around you. In a class setting, there is a lot of movement quality energies and execution. Your best results will come from the one in the center of the classroom giving you all the points. If you've been in the game for more than 5 years, You can now look around the room and let your eye gravitate to an energy that attracts you. As you continue getting your main source from your instructor, it's beneficial to look around and catch at least 1 person who you say, "ooo I wanna move like that." This way you have an objective and a clear path with several sources of information to get your movement to an elevated magnitude.

3. Extend your stay - Class taking is the "in the zone, figuring out, living your best life" kind of process. Now, what you do after class can and will continue to inspire you. Extend your stay; stay around a bit longer. Don't just rush out the door without engaging in conversation with someone. Anyone! Go to your instructor and ask a quick question, mention to one of the dancers how great they were in class, ask someone you don't know for their name and what their dance goals are or simply engaging in conversation about how class felt for you. Staying a moment to gather and talk about similarities within what you just did is empowering and inspiring. And side note: you never know what can come from just staying around for a few extra minutes. In the least, you will start to build a community around you and around this beautiful art.

4. Envision your future self - We all see that big ol mirror in front of us as we take class, right? Use this source as a tunnel to another dimension. As you perform your combo, exercise or across the floor, let your mind pin point the future dancer in you. What would that look like? How would the future you execute the movement, emotion, quality, texture and energy. Focus on at least 1 of these and perform, perform, perform like the badass dancer you so much want to be! BE IT! SEE IT! By you envisioning what that looks like you will start to feel a change; not only your body but in your mind. Manifest!

5. Authentic Desire - Remember when you were younger and they asked you "what do you want to be when you grow up?" And the first thing you said was "I want to be a DANCER" there was no thought, no hesitation. Now if I ask you; Where would you want dance & perform for... any company, artist, traveling show, or tour what would that be? You have an answer for it right? This is your AUTHENTIC DESIRE burning inside of you with NO limitations. Why? Well because it's what you truly want, crave, dream, vision for yourself and your future. Getting there is a process; YES. But don't focus on the process and the HOW to get there so intensely. The process is important but your authentic desire is #1. You can never lose that spark and that burning sensation in your heart when you see what you want to do and be remembered for. Never lose the drive and desire - the process will follow because it.

All in all, this is your class!! You've invested your hard earn money, make it the best time every single time.



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